Tesla Robot

About the author : Phillip Anderson

Software developers around the globe should take notice. The mastermind behind Tesla Motors has his eyes on being not only the king of the electric automobile market, but also the most profitable company of any kind in the world.

Tesla has recently released robot software that will operate the machinery that manufactures Tesla Model 3 cars. Elon Musk, the chief executive of the burgeoning automaker with facilities in over three dozen countries, believes the software will push Tesla past Apple in net worth.

One of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world speaks; people might want to take notice. Musk feels that the new robot software could propel car production at the California plant alone, by nearly 5 times the current 100,000 cars per year. Musk believes that other companies may try to duplicate his model, but will find it impossible to replicate this newest form of assembly line robotics.

Much of what Apple manufactures is handled overseas using outside sourcing. Musk believes this is a situation his company is prepared to take advantage. The implementation of new forms of automation software is streaming into production lines around the world. However, when a futuristic visionary proposes it, the potential for extraordinary growth seems immeasurable.

No one should really find this development too unusual. In July of last year, an Open Artificial Intelligence robot was designed by software developers under the watchful eye of Musk. The Open AI was originally created for the purposes of doing nothing but AI research. However, the research blossomed into a program that equipped robots with software to train themselves.

They would use trial and error, similar to what real people use, to learn from their own mistakes. Fetch Robotics used this breakthrough to provide robots with new capabilities. The initial robots were programmed to follow real workers around a warehouse, dropping items into baskets. This research was mainly focused on building robots capable of doing multiple household chores such as folding laundry, but incorporating them into a manufacturing line might prove even easier.

The news of this robot software to handle battery and solar panel production lines therefore should really come as no surprise. Remember, this is the same man that is the pioneering influence behind the SpaceX program, not to mention the co founder of Zip2, PayPal and his trademark electric automobile manufacturer. Astonishing the tech world with another world-changing idea should come as little surprise to software experts.

Musk was also not going to be outdone in the world of mobile app development. In March, his privately funded venture Neuralink shocked the tech world by delving into research that would connect the human mind to artificial intelligence. The MedTech app developers have limited the focus initially on using digital intelligence to restore damaged or diseased brains.

With a continued presence in the world of artificial intelligence, App development and robotic software, when Musk says that his company has something that will alter the course of automated production lines, people should take notice. Besides, this is the same man looking to change the conception of space exploration. Anything he proposes that’s of this earth may well come true.

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Phillip Anderson
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Phillip Anderson